Delivery FAQs

Q1 What is the delivery conditions ?
  • Delivery service is only available for orders over HK$500.
  • For orders below HKD$500, an additional HK$100 shipping service fee will be charged.
Q2 How long does delivery take?

Normally, you can enjoy free within three day delivery when your order is accpeted, payment is confirmed and you received “Order Processing” email before 4 PM during Monday to Friday. We will deliver your order to you within two working day from 11a.m to 7p.m after the order shipped notification.

However, delivery service in Sunday and Public Holiday will be suspended and postponed to the next working day. Delivery time may be affected by seasonal holidays (e.g. Christmas, Chinese New Year, and Easter).Delivery will be delayed if a typhoon signal No.8 is raised or a black rainstorm warning is in effect.

Q3 Can deliver my order to another address other than the registered one?

You can manage your deliver addresses in “Membership Account” –> “Delivery Address Book”. In the checkout process, you also can either select the address that you have saved or input the new address.

Q4 Can I change my address or cancel my order after my order is confirmed??

If you have realized an error in your order or changed your mind after order confirmed, please contact our hotline at 3996 8969 (9a.m – 4p.m, Monday to Friday, Saturday, Sunday & public holiday off) and we will try to modify the address or cancel your order accordingly. But once the order status is shipped, the address cannot be changed. You can check the order status when login click on “Membership Account” —> “Order History”.
After the order is paid, the services fee will be charged for refund.

Q5 The order can be delivered the order outside Hong Kong?

We currently offer the delivery service to Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, the New Territories. Outlying islands refer to Lantau Island, Tung Chung, Ma Wan, Discovery Bay, Lamma Island, Cheung Chau and Peng Chau, please feel free to contact us before make the order.

Q6 How do I share my advice to you ?

Please feel free to contact our hotline at 3996 8969 for further information or you can send e-mail to our official e-mail address: Our service hour from Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m, Saterday, Sunday & public holiday off.